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Corona Virus vs 5G in 2020

I REMEMBER WATCHING THIS MOVIE when I was a small child, and being absolutely terrified of the idea of a King Kong, but even worse terrified of the idea of a Godzilla. King Kong, for those who don’t know, was a gigantic gorilla the size of a multi-story building, who originated somehow, on an island somewhere near Wuhan… eh, I mean far Asia. Godzilla on the other hand, was an equally large, fire-breathing tyrannosaurus type lizard creature, who seemed to get off, roaring loudly and just burning things up in his path, with his breath, for no apparent reason. [sounds like some women I know… ahem] From the title of the movie, you just knew from the off, that both of them, were gonna somehow meet up, and that there would be a huge fight, and in the minds of the movie-goers, one was gonna win… Hence “sides” were quickly taken.

I imagine that most rational of people, sided with King Kong… why wouldn’t you? Scientists agree that Humans and Apes have a lot in common, even stressing that modern Homo sapiens descended from them. King Kong may have been a giant scary monster, but, given the choice of life under him as the victor of the upcoming battle, or God Zilla — who would scorch the earth without reason — then I guess there’s no contest. Unless of course you’re one of those disgruntled souls, who want humanity to suffer for it’s sins to Mother Earth, and hence wanted us punished, even all wiped off the face of the planet! [Conspiracy Theorists, fake Islamisits, and overzealous Vegans spring to mind] As a kind of poetic justice, I guess they were the one’s rooting for Zilla…

Today, for the purposes of this article, King Kong, is represented by the Corona Virus, (King Corona), and God Zilla is represented by 5G (G for God Zilla). Sides have been taken up by the masses of the people, who it seems are extremely polarised as these two contemporaneous versions of the old-skool monsters, step simultaneously onto the modern-day virtual landscape stage (Facebook). King Corona, like Kong, being originally natural, but somehow blown up to a monster proportions (by some unseen and unnamed individual/party), is highly infectious to humans, or so we’ve been told, and therefore has our initial attention, hence the rolling mainstream media circus. God 5G Zilla, like his name-sake, just radiates power, fear and destruction, mainly from it’s mouth in all directions. Once humanity has been familiarised with Kong for a hot second, and learn a little about what he can do, we can now turn our attentions to Zilla, and now the fight is on proper proper…

In the above mentioned movie, it was the monsters doing the fighting, however, in the twenty-first century, the only monsters are really just bored human beings on Lockdown. It’s interesting to watch the proponents of the two sides, sizing up, and slugging at each other like their lives depended on it… “Corona Virus ain’t real!… it’s just flu, all this covid-19 bullshit is fake!…” blaze the belligerent 5God Zilla massive, attempting to tear-down a whole swathe of so-called civilised Kong-ites with one swipe of their pre-heated, hot debate-breath weapon.  The King Kong Corona-ites, nimbly side-step the heat ray, and immediately hit back: “5G is f***ing harmless you idiots; fears that it is dangerous is f***ing scaremongering!… GET A LIFE!”  The Kong-ites make a direct lunge, using their super monkey strength trying to grab Zilla, his fur slightly scorched, but somewhat protected by deft Social Distancing techniques, gleaned from non-stop encouragement by his “trusted” authoritarian handlers. Attempting to grab 5G Zilla by his powerful weaponised jaws, in a wrestling-action learned from watching way too much Wrestlemania back in the 1990’s, a move guaranteed to break Zilla’s neck, in an attempt to stop him spewing unproven and unfounded info, to the masses on social media, by any means necessary.

Both sides believe that they are on the side of right. Isn’t it always that way in war?… [apparently this is a war] As the movie editors flips to the wide-shot nearing the end of the movie, we realise that Kong and Zilla, are just two tiny figures grappling in the middle of the massive ocean that is cyberspace. Why didn’t moviegoers leave the cinema coming to the conclusion that, actually nothing about any of this story is natural? King Kong wasn’t natural, and Zilla definitely wasn’t. They both had mysteriously come from somewhere… amazingly at the same time… and for some reason unknown… Hmmm?

I’m not going to pretend that I have all the answers, but mainstream media has got us so busy consuming the entertainment, or the fear of the entertainment… or so into conspiracy hypothesis, or so entrenched in winning for one side or the other, that we absolutely miss this point of all this.  We the people, have become the monsters, and like cyberspace versions of Mandingo prize fighters, have been put at each others throats, for not sharing each others values, while our unseen “handlers” get on with the business of handling us.  Maybe King Kong, and Godzilla have the same master!… Bloods vs Crips comes to mind… Worries in de dance me seh, Worriiieeezzz!

By jetblakink

MediaAssassinExtraordinaire™ using my cross-hair to report on news, views, events, happenings, gripes, sights, lights... local stuff that gets lost in the #mainstream from day-to-day in the world or just around the way.

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